Tag: c++11

Tutorial : Use CUDA and C++11 Code in MATLAB

As it turns out, incorporating CUDA code in MATLAB can be easily done! 🙂 MATLAB provides functionality for loading arbitrary dynamic libraries and invoking their functions. This is especially easy for invoking C/C++ code in a MATLAB program. Such functionality is possible using the so called MEX functions. Introduction: Mex functions can be created with the …

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Enable C++11 Support for CUDA Compiler (NVCC) – CUDA 6.5+

To enable support for C++11 in nvcc just add the switch -std=c++11 to nvcc. If you are using Nsight Eclipse, right click on your project, go to Properties > Build > Settings > Tool Settings > NVCC Compiler and in the “Command line prompt” section add -std=c++11 The C++11 code should be compiled successfully with nvcc. Nsight’s C++ …

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