Category: MATLAB

Orthonormalize a Rotation Matrix

If you use a 3×3 R matrix to store the result of the multiplication of a series of rotation transformations, it could be the case that sometimes you end up with a matrix that is not orthonormal (i.e. det(R) != 1 and R.R’ != eye). In such cases, you need to re-orthonormalize the rotation matrix, …

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Align Depth and Color Frames – Depth and RGB Registration

Sometimes it is necessary to create a point cloud from a given depth and color (RGB) frame. This is especially the case when a scene is captured using depth cameras such as Kinect. The process of aligning the depth and the RGB frame is called “registration” and it is very easy to do (and the …

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3D Line Fitting in 5 Easy Steps with SVD

Least squares fit is used for 2D line fitting. In 3D space, the line is called 3D Orthogonal Distance Regression (ODR) line. The line can be easily found in 3D using SVD (singular value decomposition). Assuming that we have a bunch of 3D points (x0, y0, z0) to (xn, yn, zn), the algorithm (in MATLAB) is as follows: …

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Fix MATLAB Error: “dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS”

On Linux, you may occasionally encounter the error “dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS” in MATLAB. This is a known bug since way back! To fix, create a file “startup.m” in the directory that you start MATLAB from with the following content: ones(10)*ones(10); I know! It’s ugly… But it works!! EDIT: Since it …

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Tutorial : Use CUDA and C++11 Code in MATLAB

As it turns out, incorporating CUDA code in MATLAB can be easily done! 🙂 MATLAB provides functionality for loading arbitrary dynamic libraries and invoking their functions. This is especially easy for invoking C/C++ code in a MATLAB program. Such functionality is possible using the so called MEX functions. Introduction: Mex functions can be created with the …

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